Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have been successfully applied to a range of challenging sequential decision-making and control tasks. In this paper, we classify RL into direct and indirect RL according to how they seek the optimal policy of the Markov decision process problem. The former solves the optimal policy by directly maximizing an objective function using gradient descent methods, in which the objective function is usually the expectation of accumulative future rewards. The latter indirectly finds the optimal policy by solving the Bellman equation, which is the sufficient and necessary condition from Bellman’s principle of optimality. We study policy gradient (PG) forms of direct and indirect RL and show that both of them can derive the actor–critic architecture and can be unified into a PG with the approximate value function and the stationary state distribution, revealing the equivalence of direct and indirect RL. We employ a Gridworld task to verify the influence of different forms of PG, suggesting their differences and relationships experimentally. Finally, we classify current mainstream RL algorithms using the direct and indirect taxonomy, together with other ones, including value-based and policy-based, model-based and model-free.